List tariffs
Returns list of all tariffs. Use this to read tariff objects listed in tariff_elements property of Location.
The objects are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent appearing first. If no parameters are specified in the request, all objects in pages of 100 are returned.
Query Parameters
Filter by tariff direction, supported values are IMPORT and EXPORT.
Filter by tariff type, supported values are COMMODITY and NON_COMMODITY.
Filter by FlatPeak Location ID.
Specifies a cursor for pagination use; provider_id defines the place in the list. To retrieve the next page in the list include starting_after where ID is the last ID in the currently retrieved list.
Specifies a cursor for pagination use; provider_id defines the place in the list. To retrieve the previous page in the list include ending_before where is the first ID in the currently retrieved list.
A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 30.
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