
FlatPeak enables access to carbon intensity rates for any location in the world, and access to historic carbon data is available up to 72 hours into the future. You can use this service to report historic carbon consumption costs and to schedule your products and services to use low-carbon energy.

Combining monetary and carbon cost

With FlatPeak, you can access both tariff and carbon datasets pre-normalized for the requested time interval:

Example ElectricityMaps dataset
  "zone": "US-CAL-CISO",
  "forecast": [
      "carbonIntensity": 210,
      "datetime": "2023-06-08T13:00:00.000Z"
      "carbonIntensity": 153,
      "datetime": "2023-06-08T14:00:00.000Z"
      "carbonIntensity": 139,
      "datetime": "2023-06-08T15:00:00.000Z"
Example FlatPeak dataset
  "location_id": "loc_64a9663b6d0efda87d3b9cf8",
  "data": [
      "valid_from": "2023-07-08T13:36:08Z",
      "valid_to": "2023-07-08T14:00:00Z",
      "tariff": {
        "cost": 18,
        "confidence": 1
      "carbon": {
        "confidence": 1,
        "intensity": 210,
        "relative": 0.91
      "valid_from": "2023-07-08T14:00:00Z",
      "valid_to": "2023-07-08T15:00:00Z",
      "tariff": {
        "cost": 5,
        "confidence": 1
      "carbon": {
        "confidence": 1,
        "intensity": 153,
        "relative": 0.73

How FlatPeak obtains carbon data

FlatPeak is not a carbon data supplier. We source carbon data from ElectricityMaps (paid) and CarbonIntensityUK (free). You will need to provide API keys from your account with ElectricityMaps to use this service anywhere outside of the United Kingdom - where we use CarbonIntensityUK, which is free and does not require you to enter an API key.

ElectricityMapsprovides global coverage using your own ElectricityMaps account details. You can sign up for a free trial if you’re not already a customer. Once you have their API key, enter it in the Integrations sections in FlatPeak Dashboard.
CarbonIntensityUKis very granular, enabled by default, and free but only provides data for the United Kingdom.

Troubleshooting carbon datasource integration

If you are not getting carbon intensity data when making requests to tariff-rates or cost-calculations API endpoints, follow these steps to troubleshoot:


Check Location object

Make sure that the Location object has a value in the carbon property:

"carbon": [

Get carbon region record from FlatPeak Grid API

Query /regions endpoint of FlatPeak Grid API to get the description for the assigned region; make sure it is what you are expecting, i.e. if you supplied a postal address in the Republic of Ireland, reference_id shall be set to IE:

curl --request GET \

Get carbon source record from FlatPeak Grid API

Note thesource_id and query /sources endpoint of FlatPeak Grid API. The response will provide information about the carbon data supplier.

curl --request GET \

Understanding the error

If supplier name is CarbonIntensityUKUsed for all UK addresses and geolocations. If you are querying for a UK location and not getting carbon data, contact support
If supplier name is ElectricityMapsUsed for the rest of the world. If you are not getting data, you probably have not purchased access for that region from ElectricityMaps; contact them for support.
If you need additional help getting the carbon data to work, please contact support.