FlatPeak Copilot API enables you to create smart consumption or export schedules in the context of your asset’s energy requirement over time, grid tariff, actual and projected local generation and availability of locally stored energy.

Example applications

You can use Copilot to create smart charging sessions for one or multiple EVs. Or to maximize savings and export revenues from on-site PV, wind and/or energy storage systems. Together with Meters and Cost Calculate endpoints, Copilot provides a complete smart energy management and reporting solution for assets of any type.


Before you can use the the Copilot endpoint, you will need at least:

  1. Your customer would have completed the Connect flow.
  2. Create FlatPeak identifier for your device(s) that you want to manage.
  3. Your systems will know your devices’ energy requirements and speed of power transfer.

Creating your first schedule

To create a schedule, you will need at least the following:

device_idFlatPeak ID of the device you will be creating the schedule for. You may include multiple devices in one request.
location_idFlatPeak ID of the location where you want to create the schedule. For example, the location where the device is permanently installed (such as an EV charger or BESS) or where the device is at the moment (for example, an electric vehicle).
directionDirection of energy transfer. Possible options are” IMPORT for when the device will be consuming the energy; and EXPORT when the device will be exporting the energy (for example when BESS is projected to have surplus energy that it will want to export into the grid).
start_timeTime when energy transfer may begin.
end_time.Time when energy transfer must be completed.
max_powerMaximum speed of power transfer this device supports (i.e. power rating)
energyAmount of energy the device requires in wH or kWh.
energy.min_valueMinimum amount of energy required (optional).
energy.target_valueTarget amount of energy required.

Use create-schedule endpoint to create your first Copilot schedule:

The response will include:

idUnique schedule response object identifier.
energy.valueScheduled amount of energy to be transferred under this schedule.
tariff.valueEstimated total monetary cost (or value in case of EXPORT) of energy in currency_code.
scheduleSeries of time slots where your device can use or export energy with suggested max_power. The max_power value can be lower than your requested value in complex cases such as load balancing (keep reading to learn more).
IMPORT is optimised for the lowest energy cost using the import tariff and local generation values.
EXPORT is optimised for the highest return using the export tariff.

Creating advanced schedules with AI metering loop

FlatPeak integrates grid tariffs and local energy sources at consumption point (i.e. location) with metering and cost calculations in real-time to create smart schedules that dynamically align energy availability with demand.

Here is how you can implement smart schedules:


Implement device metering

Start by integrating metering or instant-cost-calculate endpoint. Both endpoints will provide FlatPeak with a real-time view of how your devices import or export energy.


Create a schedule

Next, create a schedule with any strategy type providing at least end_time, max_power and energy in create-schedule request.


Start submitting metering data

Then, start submitting meter data for scheduled devices via metering or instant-cost-calculate endpoint.


FlatPeak will automatically adjust schedule

Every time FlatPeak receives metering data from your devices, it will automatically review your devices’ performance against the original schedule and create a new (updated) schedule if required.


Check for schedule updates

Come back to check for schedule updates via retrieve-schedule endpoint or subscribe to schedule.created event via webhooks. Every time you receive a schedule with a new ID - apply it to your devices.

Please contact support or directly schedule a call with our customer success team if you would like to discuss planning your integration with FlatPeak.